Multinational Helicopter Training Centre (MHTC) Transfer Ceremony

The Multinational Helicopter Training Centre (MHTC) has taken over all the Helicopter Training Programmes’ activities, namely the Helicopter Exercise Programme (HEP), the Helicopter Tactics Course (HTC) Programme and the Helicopter Tactics Instructors Course (HTIC) Programme, from the European Defence Agency (EDA) on the 28th November 2023.


Beside the high-ranking military representatives and diplomats of the Participants of the MHTC, the Portuguese Minister of Defence Ms. Helena Carreiras and the Chief Executive of the EDA Mr. Jiří Šedivý have attended the Ceremony, during which the plaque of MHTC was inaugurated.


MHTC will reach its Initial Operation Capability (IOC) on the 1st January 2024.


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